quinta-feira, 18 de outubro de 2012

Ultimate Fight for the Cloud - The corporative UFC

The Cloud is a new market, and looks like a new territory under a heavy war.

Each one try to use it´s best to gain territory. From book Sales to software companies, passing by old computer companies, everybody wants to sell a little bit of the cloud.

Everybody is fundamentated in the Blue Ocean strategy, a beautiful name for principles of peace that were beautifully explaine by a so beautiful mind, thru the game teory.

So, till when? The one who sells software needs a hardware... the one who has a hardware needs a software. And that one who sells books? Needs both. And those local players that need everything but still have the client? They need all!

So... and what about the clients?? Well... There´s those who use software that will buy from software companies... Those who use hardware that will buy from hardware companies.... And those who buy books that will buy in a bookstore... NOT!

In some time this blue ocean will not be so blue, the fight will really begun and somebody will get so hurted.

So who will win? I think it depends of two things: Who rules the cloud? Wo will really buy it, where´s the cloud money?
And what does they really want?

Who rules the cloud? What they want? How to reach then? Those are the questions that can tell us who will win the fight.

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